Your goals should always be bigger than what you think is realistic. Here’s why.

Setting goals is important. So is setting realistic, achievable goals. Today I want to try to change your thinking on this.

Most realistic goals are going to happen if you just do your job, especially in the real estate business. However, I want you to start thinking about how you can achieve goals that are bigger than you ever thought possible. With this mind shift, you will start putting mechanisms in place, as if you’ve already achieved your goals. 

“I want to achieve a 33% market share.”

Some call them 10x goals, some call them BHAGs (Big, hairy, audacious goals), but whatever your “unrealistic” goal is, make it big. If your current goal is to make $100,000, your new goal should be to make $1 million. 

The idea here is that you’ll be putting the mechanisms in place to achieve these crazy goals. In my market, I want to achieve a 33% market share, which seems impossible. However, I now have a plan in motion to achieve this goal and I can help teach you how to do the same thing.

If you have any questions for me, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you.