Here’s what you need to do in your business to survive a virus resurgence.

Here’s the deal. If you’re thinking that we’re not going to have any kind of setback or resurgence when it comes to this virus, I’m guessing that you’re probably mistaken. We are going to see some level of business as usual, probably a short-term quarantine, and who knows what else after that.

To prepare, you need to make sure your business is doing a hybrid of digital and personal until they turn it back on again. This way, your clients are still not forgetting what it was like to do everything virtually so we can continue to have those relationships in case something were to happen.

“Continue to be cautious and social distance, but continue to be creative with lead generation.”

Continue to be cautious, continue to wear a mask, continue to social distance. If you’re in an area where you’re pretty much on lockdown, can’t do open houses, etc, you need to start rethinking your business. If you’re solely dependent on open houses for leads, it’s time to rethink your strategy. Our online leads continue to bring in business when the physical portion isn’t fully capable.

If you have any questions for me about what you should be doing to adapt and grow in these strange times, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I would love to hear from you.