Here are three tips to help you use your CRM more effectively.

Most of you who are in real estate or thinking about real estate have a CRM already, but you’re probably not using it to its full potential. Today we’re going to talk about three tips to use your CRM more effectively:

1. Use your automation. Probably the best way to capitalize on your CRM’s capabilities is to tap into the automatic drip campaigns. With them, you can stay in front of your client without having to remember to do so. 

2. Write good notes. This seems elementary, but we run into this a lot where agents haven’t put good notes in the CRM. When you go to follow up with the client, you want those notes so that you can remember exactly what you talked about last time and avoid asking those awkward, general questions. 

3. Make your CRM a daily habit. It will give you somewhere to go every time you log into your computer. This is how you’ll continue to book appointments and grow your business. 

If you have any questions about using your CRM more effectively, feel free to give me a call. I’d love to help.