If you’re considering changing brokerages, here are my thoughts about it.

Today I’m discussing the thing everyone loves to talk about: change. You may be considering whether to stay at the brokerage you’re at or switch to another one. The follow-up thought to that is wondering how difficult it’s going to be if you switch. You’ll have to get new signs and business cards, learn how a new brokerage does things, and you don’t know if you’ll get more business by switching. 

The reality is that the most challenging part is deciding to make a change; the rest of it is what you’ve already been doing. We put artificial barriers in front of ourselves, but most real estate agents switch brokerages because they don’t like the environment, the splits, or the split structure because a lot of the money isn’t going toward the growth of their business. If one of those resonates with you, you should do your research, think about how another brokerage may be a better fit for you, and then just commit when you’ve found the right one. Making the change is the turning point between where you are and where you’re going. 

Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a larger net check at the end of closing. If you have any questions or are thinking about making a change, give us a call or send an email. Our brokerage, eXp Realty, is nationwide, and we’d love to talk to you about it.