Here is my advice on how to bring your listing presentation to the next level.

When most agents do a listing presentation, they bring a thick listing packet and data you already have access to. It probably looks the same as everyone else’s and doesn’t stand out from who you’re competing with. Today, I’d like to quickly talk about what you can do to take your listing presentation to the next level. 

My number one piece of advice is to let the data sell the house. We usually print out an easily digestible spreadsheet and a few comps of similar properties. From this data, we can give our sellers a range of prices, and let them choose for themselves where they want to position their house. 

“When we let our sellers become part of the process, we’re giving our clients the value they want. ”

By presenting our data this way, we let our sellers become part of the process. A lot of listing presentations present a lot of flowery bells and whistles, but at the end of the day, that’s not marketing. The key to successful marketing is to bring value to your clients. When we let our sellers become part of the process, we’re giving our clients the value they want. 

A common mistake I see listing presenters make is when they start suggesting adjustments to the home. This might seem like a way to bring value to your client, but this is really the appraiser’s job, and it is best left to them. Our job as agents is to get the house under contract. Once that’s done, we can let all the adjustments shake out. Our main goal should be to clearly communicate how much we can get for our client’s home. Everything else is best left to other professionals. 

The better you understand what value you bring to the table as an agent, the easier it will be to win listings. If you have any questions about today’s topic, or anything else, do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’m always willing to help.