Why you might want to consider changing brokerages going into 2023.

If you’re on the fence about what to do in 2023 and are considering making some changes in your business, know that now is a great time to do that. The year is winding down, and you may have a few deals in the pipeline, but things are probably a little bit slower in your business going into 2023. Therefore, this could be a very good time to make a move and to look at what your goals are for the next one to five years. 

Also, have you ever thought about changing brokerages? If you want to make more money, you should consider looking at a cloud-based brokerage that has low fees, stock options, and revenue share. 

There are eight ways you can make money at Real, and I would love to visit with you about how this can help you in 2023. Call or email me with any questions that you have. I look forward to talking with you!