Here’s my advice for making online profiles that leave a lasting impression.

Essentially, a profile is you… online. How can somebody get a handle on your personality, your background, and what you stand for as a professional in the least amount of time possible? Therein lies the challenge of building a good profile! When designing a profile, you’ll want to include a short story about yourself that touches on how long you’ve been in the business and transitions nicely into an explanation of why you’re the best. 

Once you’ve crafted a concise, engaging blurb about yourself, the goal is to put that on as many free real estate websites as possible. It’s a quick, easy way to get yourself out there. Roughly 80% to 90% of everyone searching for real estate-related information will be doing so online; no one’s thumbing through their local classifieds or real estate magazines anymore. The more sites, the better, but you want to make sure you have a presence on leading sites like,, HomeLight, and Zillow. 

“Think of your profile as a digital business card.”

If the site you’re using allows you to include a video, take advantage of that—just add something short and sweet so people can get a better sense of the type of person you are. When you’re uploading a picture to your profile, make sure it’s a recent one. No one wants to see your 1985 glamour shots. 

Think of your profile as a digital business card. It’s a way to get in front of as many folks as humanly possible and leave a meaningful impression. If you want to learn more about how to optimize your profile and be a “somebody” online, just reach out via the links on this page or give me a call. I’d be more than happy to have a chat with you and share some simple profile-perfecting tips.