A simple trick to staying in front of your clients long after closing.

Today we’ll talk about how to create a simple referral repeat SOI business.

Statistics show that 82% of clients forget who you are within a year after closing a transaction with you. But that’s not what you want to happen—if you can stay top of mind with clients even after you’re done helping them, some of them will send you referrals for more business.

There’s an easy trick you can do to keep your name in their minds: Every time you close with a client, mark-down their closing anniversary on your Google calendar. Then, every time it pops up, send out a postcard to them. It’s easy, and I usually get six or seven repeat referral business deals out of it every year.

“82% of clients forget who you are within a year after closing.”

You can either do these as they come in or just batch them by month and send them out at the same time. It’ll stay in contact with your past clients, and they’ll love you for it. If you want to get granular, you can also send out cards on kids’ birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays to help you stay in front of your clients.

I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me by phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you.