When looking for a brokerage, here’s what they should provide.

What benefits should you expect from your brokerage? What should you be looking for when comparing them?

You should take control of your business and treat it as just that—a business. Look at it as a profit and loss statement: The amount of effort you put in will equal the amount you’ll make. Then you need to align yourself with the brokerage that will net you the most amount of money for the effort you’ve put into your business. You don’t want to start a business knowing it’ll fail or that you’ll have to work twice as hard to make the same amount of money you were before. When I chose to align my business with Real Brokerage, I looked at it from the perspective of, “I’m already doing this anyway, so why can’t I net the most amount of money possible?” 

“Align yourself with the brokerage that gives you the same amount of value that you put into it.”

Also, ask yourself what they’ll provide. Do they provide any technology? Do they provide training? What are the splits? What is the office situation; do you need an office or not? Will it cost you money to have an office? 

Then look at the other benefits you’ll get. Do you get any kind of stock incentives? Is there a revenue share? Are there extra incentives if you close deals? With Real, we have stock bonuses, revenue share opportunities, and an elite agent program where the more you perform, the more stock incentives you get. 

Ultimately, align yourself with the brokerage that gives you the same amount of value that you put into it. If you want to learn more about what we’re doing here at Real or have any questions, feel free to give us a shout via DM, text, email, or fill out the form on this page, and we’ll set up a call with you. We’d love to speak with you soon.