Here are a few tips to help you gain more traction on social media.

Have you wondered why you aren’t getting any traction or leads through social media? The truth is that you probably aren’t as consistent as you should be.

There are tons of social media platforms out there. Instead of trying to be a jack of all trades, double or triple down on the one that you’ll actually post content to on a consistent basis. If you don’t consistently post content, the algorithm will bury you. I recommend using polls and asking your audience questions to get them engaged. This engagement will cause the algorithm to get you in front of more people.

I also recommend you create a schedule and stick to it. If some guru tells you to post at least twice a month, you should probably be posting at least twice a day. In my experience, big social media marketing campaigns post between three and four times every day. Think about social media as your free television show. Since it’s free, the more you take advantage of it, the more value you’ll create.

“If you can make good videos, people will want to follow you on all your platforms.”

Plus, if you post content often, you’ll get better at making it faster. For example, I just got back from a conference that hammered home the importance of being animated on video. People are attracted to people with qualities they lack but would like to have. If you can make good videos, people will want to follow you on all your platforms.

Try to mix things up. If you always post about business, people will get bored. The exception is YouTube since it’s not really a social media platform. Youtube is the second biggest search engine in the world behind Google, which also owns YouTube. This means that putting content on Youtube increases your search engine optimization.

If you would like more tips to increase your social media presence or have any other questions, please call me at 307-772-1184 or email I look forward to hearing from you!