Here are two ways you can convert on more leads and get more business.

Today we’re going to talk about two things that will help you get more return on investment on all of those leads that you’re paying for. 

How do you leave a really good voicemail? There’re a couple of things you need to think about first before even leaving that voicemail. You need to continue following up via text and email. That way, when your potential client is seeing missed calls on their phone and seeing emails from you, leave a voicemail at the end of the day on the first day that lead comes in.

To get that response rate way up, you need to give them some sort of sense of urgency. Here’s an example: “Hey, Johnny, this is JP at the real estate company that you were reaching out to on the website, and I wanted to let you know that I may have found a property that fits your criteria. If you can just give me a call, we can discuss if this is going to be a good fit for you. It might be the perfect house in that perfect price range that you’re wanting. So I hope to hear from you soon. Bye.”

“Try to create a sense of urgency.”

Why does this voicemail work? It creates a sense of urgency. A property just came on the market, and you’re telling them this is a good fit for them, fits in their price range, whatever it is that is going to get them to respond. Your goal is to create excitement. You also want to create a sense of urgency, and that way they will more than likely reach out to you. 

My second tip is to use the best email subject line possible. What I have found is that the best email subject line is actually, “Quick question…” This creates a sense of curiosity, creates a sense of urgency, creates that need to open up your email to figure out what is this question, and who is this guy reaching out to you, or they already know that you’ve reached out, and they just want to make sure that you know what’s going on with this quick question.

In that email, just make sure you’re asking them a question specifically about something that’s going to get them to take action. Calls to action create action because you’re calling them out. Get in there. Do something. That way, you’re going to get more people responding to your emails.

I hope this helps. For more videos, stay tuned to my blog and Youtube channel. Don’t hesitate to call or email me with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!