Here’s why tracking is vital to your success in the real estate business.

In the real estate business, it’s very important to track what you’re doing, how much you’re doing, and why you’re doing it. Data tells the story of how productive you are as an agent, so be sure to track your calls, your mets, the number of meaningful conversations you have, and the number of appointments you set. That will help you predict how many deals you’ll get this year.

By tracking your every move, you’ll be able to see the formula to make a certain income. Then if you want to double that income, you just double your numbers. The data will tell you how good you are. Numbers never lie.

Additionally, you want to be tracking your lead sources. Then you know where more business is coming from and what you should and shouldn’t be spending money on. Maybe you’re better at cold calling, or maybe you’re better at managing relationships with the people you know.

“Numbers never lie.”

**Once you have the numbers, you can develop a plan to make sure that you’re enjoying what you’re doing and making a better living in the process. **

If you have any questions about the tracking systems I recommend or anything else related to the real estate business, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.