Why real estate agents should buy online leads if they want to grow their teams.

To buy leads, or not to buy? This has been the subject of debate in the real estate industry for a long time now. Today we’ll discuss whether or not the practice has any merits.

If you’re trying to build a huge real estate team or a big big business, then running around neighborhoods, dropping off gifts, and knocking on doors to get leads simply isn’t scalable. To get the leads you need to achieve your desired growth, you’ll have to market to a broader audience, and that is something you’ll have to pay for.

There are a few different ways to pay for leads. You can purchase pay-per-click leads from sites like Google or Facebook, or you could hire an ad agency to help you learn how to make your own ads. Alternatively, you could subscribe to portal sites like Zillow or Realtor.com. These kinds of leads are more expensive than others because they have to go into the portal and ask to be connected to an agent like you.

“The more money you spend on leads, the hotter the leads you’ll get.”

On the other hand, pay-per-click leads aren’t always even looking for an agent to speak to—they just discover your ad and decide to inquire to learn more. These leads are typically colder and take more time to nurture through phone calls, appointments, and follow-ups.

If you’re looking for avenues to buy leads so that your team can grow, you need to consider how much time and money you’re willing to spend to get hotter leads. The typical online lead that comes through pay-per-click avenues will take between six and 13 months to nurture, whereas leads from portal sites are often ready to buy or sell right away.

So is it worth it to pay for leads? Absolutely! If you have any questions about buying leads or would like more tips on how to help your team grow and succeed, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to help you.