Learn misconceptions about the job before becoming a real estate agent.

These are three of the most common misconceptions about becoming a real estate agent and the truth behind them:

1. It’s just like any other job. You are an independent contractor and run your own business. You are in control of how much money you make and the amount of work that you put in.

2. You’ll get paid right away. You don’t get paid until you close deals. Depending on how quickly you jump in and get things rolling, it could be anywhere between 30 to 90 days before you get your first check. The benefits of joining a team like ours are that we train you and coach you on how to close deals as quickly as possible.

“You are in control of how much money you make.”

3. The are fees involved. Understand the fees before you get started. When I got my real estate license, I had spent 10 days in class and gone through 40 hours of school. Then I found out that I had a $2,500 bill I had to pay to join the local and national boards. Make sure you have some money set aside for them because you don’t want to spend all that time and then come up short.

If you have any questions about becoming a real estate agent or the business in general, please reach out to me. I’d love to help you however I can.