Six things that set us apart from your average real estate brokerage.

Why should you join a cloud-based brokerage? They offer a ton of advantages over traditional brokerages, and we’re one of them. Here are the top six advantages of cloud-based brokerages:

1. More tools and resources. Here at Real, we have Skyslope, which handles all your contracts, Workplace, where you can interact with agents nationwide, and the Real app, which gives you access to your yearly transaction count, total commissions, and more.

2. More tools for advancing your career. In our Workplace, we have a quick-start program for new agents. We have guides on being a successful YouTuber, farming an area with postcards, being a digital president, and other ways to get your marketing out there and develop your brand. Cloud-based brokerages also let you brand however you want so long as you meet certain standards.

3. Working from home. You have no commute, and it’s easy to stay in contact with people from your office with tools like Workplace and Zoom. You get to work without using any gas, which is really important right now.

4. More referral opportunities. We have a whole section in our Workplace app about referrals, where you can keep in contact and see if there are any referrals in your area. It’s a huge opportunity since so many people are migrating around our country right now.

“You have no commute, and it’s easy to stay in contact with people from your office.”

5. We invest in the latest technology. We’re creating a lot of in-house technology to look at what’s working and what’s not. We listen to our agents about these technologies, which is cool because you can always submit a feature to our development team that you’ve been dying to see. It’s also great for brokers because there’s a ton of reporting.

6. Revenue share. This is probably what makes the company. As you enjoy the things offered and tell other agents about it, you get paid for it. You get rewarded for spreading the word about how awesome Real is.

If you have any questions about what we’re doing over at Real, just call or email me. I’d love to hear from you.