Using a script is the best way to provide value over the phone.

Now that you have a database of people to call, you need the right script to use when calling them. 

My team and I use a universal callback script, which is something you can use for any scenario that will take you from the muddled part of the conversation to the important part. The best way to sound intelligent over the phone is to have a script ready so you have a pathway to guide the other person through the conversation. 

That’s the whole purpose of getting someone on the phone—to have a meaningful conversation that will lead to booking an appointment. The goal of every phone call is to book an appointment. That way, you can spend your most dollar-productive hours having meaningful conversations.

“The best way to sound intelligent over the phone is to have a script ready.”

Oftentimes, you can get someone on the phone and talk and talk and talk without getting information that’s helping you help them, but having a script ready prevents this from happening because it adds value. You’re a real estate agent—they want what you have, which is access to properties and information. If you’d like a copy of the universal callback script, get in touch with me and I’d be happy to send you one. If you have any questions about today’s topic, feel free to reach out to me as well. I’d love to speak with you.