How can you find the right company to work with as an agent? The answer is experience.

How can you find the right place to work after you get your real estate license? The main thing you need to consider is experience. 

There are a few questions you need to ask yourself when considering a place to work. Does this team have a lot of experience in the industry? Not just being in business and having a license, but has this company performed at a high level? Are your coworkers going to teach you the skills you need to also perform at a high level? 

“You need to ensure they aren’t just saying what you want to hear.”

Do they do lead generation and farming? Have they been top agents, and can they prove it with a certificate or trophy? There’s a ton of lip service out there, so you need to ensure they aren’t just saying what you want to hear. Experience matters! 

If you have questions about finding the best place to work as an agent or concerning real estate in general, please feel free to reach out to me via phone or email. I would love to help you.