Being part of a team means getting support from other experienced agents.

Why join a real estate team instead of going solo? Today I’m joined by Cristina Castillo, one of our awesome team members, to answer that question.

Cristina has been an agent for about a year now, and before joining our team, she was a stay-at-home mom. Before that, she worked for the Wyoming Secretary of State’s office for two years. 

Cristina chose real estate because she likes helping people and has a talent for customer service. She liked the appeal of showing and selling homes and helping people fulfill their dreams. She chose the Titan Real Estate Team because she felt that she’d get more support and be surrounded by experienced agents who’d help her succeed. She also felt that our team possessed a lot of knowledge, which she knew would inspire her to be a good agent. 

“We have team meetings twice a week, host plenty of team events, and offer several forms of communication.”

Additionally, she liked the people on our team and didn’t want to struggle on her own. Had she started off on her own, she doubts her career would’ve begun well. Thus far, she absolutely believes we’ve delivered on the promises we made to her in terms of support, knowledge, and availability. We have team meetings twice a week, host plenty of team events, and offer several forms of communication for anyone who needs help. We even have our own smartphone app that keeps us all in direct contact with one another. 

“I think you guys have come through on all of your promises and made it a great, fun time,” Cristina says. “I love hanging out with you guys.” What she means by that is we’re the type of team that spends time with each other outside of work. “There’s no other team like ours in town, and they don’t do the kinds of things we do. It’s great!” 

If you’d like to know more about the Titan Real Estate Team, feel free to visit our website. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call or email me. I’d love to speak with you.