Whether you like it or not, everything you want is on the other side of fear.

Making the change you need to make in your career boils down to one thing: fear. 

You may be afraid of entering into something that’s 100% commission-based, or not having stability, or not making any money, or the turnaround time. If you already have your license, you may be afraid that this change won’t produce the results you want. Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear, but this thought can be crippling. 

At the end of the day, real estate is a business, and if your business isn’t maximizing your profitability, you’re throwing money away. That’s why businesses fail—they’re not being profitable, so they have to cut unnecessary expenses in order to be profitable. Whether it’s moving to a different brokerage, starting your own, or creating a team, you need to determine what’s best for your business. You don’t want to just be in the black; you want to be way in the black. Your accountant will tell you the same thing: Businesses have to be profitable to be sustainable. 

“If your business isn’t maximizing your profitability, you’re throwing money away.”

The same logic applies to your home business. When you run a family, you run a business. You have both income and expenses, so if the job you’re doing isn’t providing enough income relative to expenses, it’s time to reevaluate your way of doing things so your family business becomes profitable again. 

If you’re wondering whether there’s a better way for you to become profitable, give me a call. I’d be happy to help you jumpstart your career.