Our Mission on this site is to educate Real Estate Agents on how to sell more homes.

How Tracking Everything Helps Your Business Grow

  • How Tracking Everything Helps Your Business Grow

    Here’s why tracking is vital to your success in the real estate business.

Is Buying Leads Worth It?

  • Is Buying Leads Worth It?

    Why real estate agents should buy online leads if they want to grow their teams.

Stay in Front of Your Clients

  • Stay in Front of Your Clients

    A simple trick to staying in front of your clients long after closing.

When It Makes Sense To Pay for Repairs

  • When It Makes Sense To Pay for Repairs

    Here’s when it does and does not make sense to pay for repairs.

What To Do if You Get a Bad Review

  • What To Do if You Get a Bad Review

    As an agent, what should you do when you receive a bad review?

What You Should Expect From Your Brokerage

  • What You Should Expect From Your Brokerage

    When looking for a brokerage, here’s what they should provide.