Our Mission on this site is to educate Real Estate Agents on how to sell more homes.

Why Experience Matters

  • Why Experience Matters

    How can you find the right company to work with as an agent? The answer is experience.

How to Work From Home Successfully

  • How to Work From Home Successfully

    As many of us shift from working in an office to working at home, I have a few tips to share that will help your home office become a soli...

We’re Dedicated to Keeping Our Home Sellers Safe

  • We’re Dedicated to Keeping Our Home Sellers Safe

    As our daily lives continue to be affected by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, I wanted to let you know that we’re taking every precautio...

We Can Still Help You Buy or Sell a Home

  • We Can Still Help You Buy or Sell a Home

    The coronavirus has had a big impact on our economy, but the Titan Real Estate Team is still very much in business!

5 Reasons Why You Can’t Compare This Situation to 2008

  • 5 Reasons Why You Can’t Compare This Situation to 2008

    Things are uncertain right now, but what’s certain is that the Great Recession and the coronavirus impact are two totally different beasts...

The Key to Getting Leads as a New Agent

  • The Key to Getting Leads as a New Agent

    If you’re a new agent who’s starved for leads, your best bet is to use Facebook.