It’s important to stay focused while sheltering in place during the coronavirus pandemic, and here are five tips that will help.

If you’re having trouble staying focused while staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, here are five tips that will put you back on track:

1. Have a good morning routine. For example, my wife and I get up every morning at 5:45 a.m., and we have a very regimented routine. First, we stretch and take a moment of silence for ourselves. Then, we pray and do our morning affirmations. After that, we go through our journals to get ourselves in the right mindset and determine our schedules and priorities. We also talk about who we can surprise with a note, gift, or other sign of appreciation. 

2. Time block. After you set your schedule, stick to your tasks. 

3. Exercise. Staying at home all the time can get stressful, especially if you have kids with you. It’s important to find a way to relieve that stress. There’s a ton of instructional videos on social media about how to use household items to help aid in your daily exercise. 

4. Get outside. It’s been proven that Vitamin D improves your mood, and exposing yourself to sunshine causes your body to produce Vitamin D. Plus, it’s easy to practice social distancing when you’re outside!

5. Get more sleep. It’s also been proven that getting more sleep is a great way to stay healthy. Everyone’s sleep cycle is different, but a great way to monitor your sleep habits is to check whether you feel refreshed each time you get out of bed in the morning. I’ve been getting more sleep lately, and it feels fantastic. Getting more sleep also helps you keep track of what day it is since these past few weeks have felt like one long weekend day for some. 

If you want to talk more about how to stay focused while sheltering in place, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to speak with you.