For those who are just starting their real estate careers, there are a few key reasons to consider joining a team like ours.

If you’re thinking about starting your career in real estate, think about this: Do you have enough in reserves to get your real estate business off the ground? For example, how much do you have set aside for bills over the next three to five months? The most successful agents I’ve seen have had a strategy to transition from their old business to their new business and enough in savings to keep them going.

Also, consider whether you want to enter the industry as a solo agent or if you want to work as part of a team. If you’ve been a part of a business before and have a lot of contacts you could add to your database, maybe joining a team isn’t the right move for you.

“The most successful agents I’ve seen have had a strategy to transition from their old business to their new business.”

If you’re someone who wants to get the ball rolling right away and avoid the pitfalls that agents encounter in their early careers, then you’ll want to join a team. We can get you the training, coaching, and accountability that almost everyone needs to get their business going.

On a team like ours, I can confidently say that you’ll do at least one deal within the first 90 days if you follow the steps that we provide for you.

If you’re interested in transitioning to real estate and would like to work on a team of professionals to help foster your success, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Titan Team. In the meantime, click here to learn more about what we can offer you as a member of the team.